- The review process is now over: 173 papers have been accepted as full papers. They will be published in the Proceedings (and hence in the Digital Library) and presented during one of the sessions of the conference.
- Search the list below by typing text in the column headers.
- See also the list of accepted posters.
- The Call for Papers and the Papers Submission Instructions are still available for your information.
Accepted Papers
Track | Title | Authors |
ECOM | A Memetic Algorithm Approach to Network Alignment : Mapping the Classification of Mental Disorders of DSM-IV with ICD-10 | Mohammad Nazmul Haque (The University of Newcastle), Luke Mathieson (University of Technology Sydney), and Pablo Moscato (The University of Newcastle) |
RWA | A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm Framework for Optimising Power Take Off and Placements of Wave Energy Converters | Mehdi Neshat, Bradley Alexander, Nataliia Sergiienko, and Markus Wagner (University of Adelaide) |
CS | Learning with Delayed Synaptic Plasticity | Anil Yaman (Technical University of Eindhoven); Giovanni Iacca (University of Trento); and Decebal Constantin Mocanu, George Fletcher, and Mykola Pechenizkiy (Technical University of Eindhoven) |
EMO | Cooperative based Hyper-heuristic for Many-objective Optimization | Gian Fritsche and Aurora Pozo (Federal University of Paraná) |
GA | A Combination of Two Simple Decoding Strategies for the No-wait Job Shop Scheduling Problem | Víctor Manuel Valenzuela Alcaraz (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Tecnológico Nacional de México); Carlos Alberto Brizuela Rodríguez (Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada); María De los Ángeles Cosío León (Universidad Politécnica de Pachuca); and Alma Danisa Romero Ocaño (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Tecnológico Nacional de México) |
EMO | A 'Phylogeny-aware' Multi-objective Optimization Approach for Computing MSA | Muhammad Ali Nayeem, Md. Shamsuzzoha Bayzid, Atif Hasan Rahman, Rifat Shahriyar, and M. Sohel Rahman (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) |
GA | An Empirical Evaluation of Success-Based Parameter Control Mechanisms for Evolutionary Algorithms | Mario Alejandro Hevia Fajardo (The University of Sheffield) |
EML | COEGAN: Evaluating the Coevolution Effect in Generative Adversarial Networks | Victor Franco Costa, Nuno Lourenço, João Correia, and Penousal Machado (University of Coimbra) |
ECOM | A generic approach to districting with diameter or center-based objectives | Alex Gliesch and Marcus Ritt (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) |
EML | An Automated Ensemble Learning Framework Using Genetic Programming for Image Classification | Ying Bi, Bing Xue, and Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
CS | Evolvability ES: Scalable and Direct Optimization of Evolvability | Alexander Gajewski (Columbia University); Jeff Clune (Uber AI Labs, University of Wyoming); and Kenneth O. Stanley and Joel Lehman (Uber AI Labs) |
ENUM | Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Parameter Control in Differential Evolution | Mudita Sharma and Alexandros Komninos (University of York), Manuel López-Ibáñez (University of Manchester), and Dimitar Kazakov (University of York) |
RWA | Augmented Evolutionary Intelligence: Combining Human and Evolutionary Design for Water Distribution Network Optimisation | Matthew Barrie Johns and Herman Abdulqadir Mahmoud (University of Exeter); David John Walker (University of Plymouth); Nicholas David Fitzhavering Ross and Edward C. Keedwell (University of Exeter); and Dragan A. Savic (University of Exeter, KWR Watercycle Research Institute) |
ECOM | Fitness Comparison by Statistical Testing in Construction of SAT-Based Guess-and-Determine Cryptographic Attacks | Artem Pavlenko, Maxim Buzdalov, and Vladimir Ulyantsev (ITMO University) |
RWA | A hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for economic-environmental generation scheduling | Vasilios Tsalavoutis, Constantinos Vrionis, and Athanasios Tolis (National Technical University of Athens) |
RWA | Evolutionary Learning of Link Allocation Algorithms for 5G Heterogeneous Wireless Communications Networks | David Lynch and Takfarinas Saber (University College Dublin), Stepan Kucera and Holger Claussen (Bell Laboratories Nokia-Ireland), and Michael O'Neill (University College Dublin) |
GA | On Improving the Constraint-Handling Performance with Modified Multiple Constraint Ranking (MCR-mod) for Engineering Design Optimization Problems Solved by Evolutionary Algorithms | Yohanes Bimo Dwianto (The University of Tokyo, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) and Hiroaki Fukumoto and Akira Oyama (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) |
GP | Gin: Genetic Improvement Research Made Easy | Alexander Edward Ian Brownlee (University of Stirling), Justyna Petke (University College London), Brad Alexander (University of Adelaide), Earl T. Barr (University College London), Markus Wagner (University of Adelaide), and David Robert White (The University of Sheffield) |
RWA | Evolving Stellar Models to Find the Origins of Our Galaxy | Conrad Chan, Aldeida Aleti, and Alexander Heger (Monash University) and Kate Smith-Miles (The University of Melbourne) |
DETA | Mapping Hearthstone Deck Spaces through MAP-Elites with Sliding Boundaries | Matthew C. Fontaine and Scott Lee (Independent), L. B. Soros (Champlain College), Fernando De Mesentier Silva (Independent), Julian Togelius (New York University), and Amy K. Hoover (New Jersey Institute of Technology) |
EMO | A Feature Rich Distance-Based Many-Objective Visualisable Test Problem Generator | Jonathan Edward Fieldsend and Tinkle Chugh (University of Exeter), Richard Allmendinger (University of Manchester), and Kaisa Miettinen (University of Jyväskylä) |
EMO | Challenges of Convex Quadratic Bi-objective Benchmark Problems | Tobias Glasmachers (Ruhr-University Bochum) |
GECH | Using Subpopulation EAs to Map Molecular Structure Landscapes | Ahmed Bin Zaman, Kenneth A. De Jong, and Amarda Shehu (George Mason University) |
GA | A Benefit-Driven Genetic Algorithm for Balancing Privacy and Utility in Database Fragmentation | Yong-Feng Ge and Jinli Cao (La Trobe University), Hua Wang (Victoria University), Jiao Yin (La Trobe University), Wei-Jie Yu (Sun Yat-sen University), and Zhi-Hui Zhan and Jun Zhang (South China University of Technology) |
CS | Evolved embodied phase coordination enables robust quadruped robot locomotion | Jørgen Halvorsen Nordmoen, Tønnes Frostad Nygaard, Kai Olav Ellefsen, and Kyrre Glette (University of Oslo) |
Theory | On the Benefits of Populations for the Exploitation Speed of Standard Steady-State Genetic Algorithms | Dogan Corus and Pietro S. Oliveto (The University of Sheffield) |
RWA | Optimising Bus Routes with Fixed Terminal Nodes: Comparing Hyper-heuristics with NSGAII on Realistic Transportation Networks | Leena Ahmed (Cardiff University), Philipp Heyken (University of Nottingham), Christine Mumford (Cardiff University), and Yong Mao (University of Nottingham) |
Theory | Runtime Analysis of the UMDA under Low Selective Pressure and Prior Noise | Per Kristian Lehre and Phan Trung Hai Nguyen (University of Birmingham) |
GP | Teaching GP to Program Like a Human Software Developer: Using Perplexity Pressure to Guide Program Synthesis Approaches | Dominik Sobania and Franz Rothlauf (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) |
RWA | Functional Generative Design of Mechanisms with Recurrent Neural Networks and Novelty Search | Cameron Ronald Wolfe, Cem C. Tutum, and Risto Miikkulainen (The University of Texas at Austin) |
ENUM | Landscape Analysis of Gaussian Process Surrogates for the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy | Zbyněk Pitra (Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University; Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic); Jakub Repický (Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; Charles University); and Martin Holeňa (Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) |
GA | Evolutionary Diversity Optimization Using Multi-Objective Indicators | Aneta Neumann, Wanru Gao, Markus Wagner, and Frank Neumann (The University of Adelaide) |
ACO-SI | On the Selection of the Optimal Topology for Particle Swarm Optimization: A Study of the Tree as the Universal Topology | Ángel Arturo Rojas-García and Arturo Hernández-Aguirre (Center for Research in Mathematics) and S. Ivvan Valdez (CENTROMET-INFOTEC) |
RWA | Optimizing Evolutionary CSG Tree Extraction | Markus Friedrich (Institute for Computer Science LMU Munich), Pierre-Alain Fayolle (The University of Aizu), and Thomas Gabor and Claudia Linnhoff-Popien (Institute for Computer Science LMU Munich) |
GECH | Scenario Co-Evolution for Reinforcement Learning on a Grid World Smart Factory Domain | Thomas Gabor, Andreas Sedlmeier, Marie Kiermeier, and Thomy Phan (LMU Munich); Marcel Henrich and Monika Pichlmair (University of Augsburg); and Bernhard Kempter, Cornel Klein, Horst Sauer, Reiner Schmid, and Jan Wieghardt (Siemens AG) |
RWA | Multiobjective Shape Design in a Ventilation System with a Preference-driven Surrogate-assisted Evolutionary Algorithm | Tinkle Chugh (Department of Computer Science, University of Exeter); Tomas Kratky (Centre of Hydraulic Research); Kaisa Miettinen and Jin Yaochu (University of Jyvaskyla, Faculty of Information Technology); and Pekka Makkonen (Valtra Inc.) |
RWA | An Illumination Algorithm Approach to Solving the Micro-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem | Neil Urquhart (Edinburgh Napier University), Silke höhl (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences), and Emma Hart (Edinburgh Napier University) |
EML | Improvement of Code Fragment Fitness to Guide Feature Construction in XCS | Trung Bao Nguyen, Will Neil Browne, and Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
CS | Novelty Search: a Theoretical Perspective | Stéphane Doncieux (Sorbonne University; CNRS, ISIR); Alban Laflaquière (SoftBank Robotics EU, AI Lab); and Alexandre Coninx (Sorbonne University, CNRS/ISIR) |
GP | Evolving Graphs with Horizontal Gene Transfer | Timothy Atkinson, Detlef Plump, and Susan Stepney (University of York) |
SBSE | Resource-based Test Case Generation for RESTful Web Services | Man Zhang, Bogdan Marculescu, and Andrea Arcuri (Kristiania University College) |
ECOM | A Two-stage Genetic Programming Hyper-heuristic Approach with Feature Selection for Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling | Fangfang Zhang, Yi Mei, and Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
RWA | Statistical Learning in Soil Sampling Design Aided by Pareto Optimization | Assaf Israeli (Tel-Hai College, MIGAL Research Institute); Michael Emmerich (Leiden University); and Michael (Iggy) Litaor and Ofer M. Shir (Tel-Hai College, MIGAL Research Institute) |
GECH | Online Selection of CMA-ES Variants | Diederick L. Vermetten, Sander van Rijn, and Thomas Bäck (Leiden University) and Carola Doerr (CNRS, Sorbonne University) |
CS | Autonomous skill discovery with Quality-Diversity and Unsupervised Descriptors | Antoine Cully (Imperial College) |
EMO | On the Benefits of Biased Edge-Exchange Mutation for the Multi-Criteria Spanning Tree Problem | Jakob Bossek and Christian Grimme (University of Münster) and Frank Neumann (The University of Adelaide) |
EMO | Convergence and Diversity Analysis of Indicator-based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms | Jesus Guillermo Falcon-Cardona (CINVESTAV-IPN) and Carlos Artemio Coello Coello (UAM-Azcapotzalco) |
ENUM | A Surrogate Model Assisted (1+1)-ES with Increased Exploitation of the Model | Jingyun Yang and Dirk V. Arnold (Dalhousie University) |
DETA | On the Impact of Domain-specific Knowledge in Evolutionary Music Composition | Csaba Sulyok (Babes-Bolyai University, Softech SRL); Christopher Harte (Melodient Ltd.); and Zalán Bodó (Babes-Bolyai University) |
ACO-SI | Scaling Techniques for Parallel Ant Colony Optimization on Large Problem Instances | Joshua Peake (Manchester Metropolitan University), Martyn Amos (Northumbria University), and Paraskevas Yiapanis and Huw Lloyd (Manchester Metropolitan University) |
ECOM | Algorithm Selection Using Deep Learning Without Feature Extraction | Mohamad Alissa, Kevin Sim, and Emma Hart (Edinburgh Napier University) |
RWA | Evolving Robust Policies for Community Energy System Management | Rui P. Cardoso (Imperial College London), Emma Hart (Edinburgh Napier University), and Jeremy V. Pitt (Imperial College London) |
EMO | A Multi-point Mechanism of Expected Hypervolume Improvement for Parallel Multi-objective Bayesian Global Optimization | Kaifeng Yang (Leiden Institute of Computer Science); Pramudita Satria Palar (Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology); Michael Emmerich (Leiden University); Koji Shimoyama (Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University); and Thomas B"ack (Leiden University)" |
GP | On Domain Knowledge and Novelty to Improve Program Synthesis Performance with Grammatical Evolution | Erik Hemberg, Jonathan Kelly, and Una-May O'Reilly (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
Theory | Lower Bounds on the Runtime of Crossover-Based Algorithms via Decoupling and Family Graphs | Andrew M. Sutton (University of Minnesota Duluth) and Carsten Witt (Technical University Of Denmark) |
ECOM | Route Planning for Cooperative Air-Ground Robots with Fuel Constraints: An Approach based on CMSA | Divansh Arora and Parikshit Maini (IIIT-Delhi), Pedro Pinacho-Davidson (Universidad de Concepción), and Christian Blum (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC)) |
GP | What's inside the black-box? A genetic programming method for interpreting complex machine learning models | Benjamin Patrick Evans, Bing Xue, and Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
RWA | Classification of EEG Signals using Genetic Programming for Feature Construction | Icaro Marcelino Miranda (University of Brasília), Claus Aranha (University of Tsukuba), and Marcelo Ladeira (University of Brasília) |
GA | Evolutionary Consequences of Learning Strategies in a Dynamic Rugged Landscape | Nam Le, Anthony Brabazon, and Michael O'Neill (University College Dublin) |
RWA | A Hybrid Metaheuristic Approach to a Real World Employee Scheduling Problem | Kenneth Reid, Jingpeng Li, and Alexander Brownlee (University of Stirling); Mathias Kern (BT Research & Innovation); Nadarajen Veerapen (Université de Lille); Jerry Swan (University of Stirling); and Gilbert Owusu (BT Research & Innovation) |
Theory | Multiplicative Up-Drift | Benjamin Doerr (Ecole Polytechnique) and Timo Kötzing (Hasso Plattner Institute) |
ECOM | When Resampling to Cope With Noise, Use Median, Not Mean | Benjamin Doerr (Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX)) and Andrew M. Sutton (University of Minnesota Duluth) |
ECOM | Walsh Functions as Surrogate Model for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization Problems | Florian Leprêtre, Sébastien Verel, Cyril Fonlupt, and Virginie Marion (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale) |
ECOM | Investigation of the Traveling Thief Problem | Rogier Hans Wuijts and Dirk Thierens (Utrecht University) |
RWA | A Novel Hybrid Scheme Using Genetic Algorithms and Deep Learning for the Reconstruction of Portuguese Tile Panels | Daniel Rika, Dror Sholomon, Eli O. David, and Nathan S. Netanyahu (Bar-Ilan University) |
GP | Lexicase Selection of Specialists | Thomas Helmuth (Hamilton College); Edward Pantridge (Swoop, Inc.); and Lee Spector (Hampshire College) |
GECH | Algorithm Portfolio for Individual-based Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithms | Hao Tong, Jialin Liu, and Xin Yao (Southern University of Science and Technology) |
GA | Intentional Computational Level Design | Ahmed Khalifa and Michael Cerny Green (New York University), Gabriella Barros (Modl.ai), and Julian Togelius (New York University) |
ECOM | Evolutionary Algorithms for the Chance-Constrained Knapsack Problem | Yue Xie, Oscar Harper, Hirad Assimi, Aneta Neumann, and Frank Neumann (The University of Adelaide) |
CS | Benchmarking Open-Endedness in Minimal Criterion Coevolution | Jonathan C. Brant and Kenneth O. Stanley (University of Central Florida) |
ENUM | A Global Surrogate Assisted CMA-ES | Nikolaus Hansen (Inria, Ecole polytechnique) |
RWA | EMOCS: Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimisation for Clinical Scorecard Generation | Diane P. Fraser, Edward Keedwell, and Stephen L. Michell (University of Exeter) and Ray Sheridan (RD&E Hospital) |
RWA | EVA: An Evolutionary Architecture for Network Virtualization | Ekaterina Holdener (Saint Louis University), Flavio Esposito (Saint Louis Univeristy), and Dmitrii Chemodanov (University of Missouri - Columbia) |
Theory | Runtime Analysis of Randomized Search Heuristics for Dynamic Graph Coloring | Jakob Bossek (University of Muenster), Frank Neumann (The University of Adelaide), and Pan Peng and Dirk Sudholt (The University of Sheffield) |
EML | NSGA-Net: Neural Architecture Search using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm | Zhichao Lu, Ian Whalen, Vishnu Boddeti, Yashesh Dhebar, Kalyanmoy Deb, Erik Goodman, and Wolfgang Banzhaf (Michigan State University) |
RWA | Toward Real-World Vehicle Placement Optimization in Round-Trip Carsharing | Boonyarit Changaival and Grégoire Danoy (University of Luxembourg), Dzmitry Kliazovich (ExaMotive S.A.), Frédéric Guinand (Le Havre University), Matthias Brust (University of Luxembourg), Jedrzej Musial (Poznan University of Technology), Kittichai Lavangnananda (King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi), and Pascal Bouvry (University of Luxembourg) |
ECOM | Characterising the Rankings Produced by Combinatorial Optimisation Problems and Finding their Intersections | Leticia Hernando and Alexander Mendiburu (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU) and Jose Antonio Lozano (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU) |
GA | On the investigation of population sizing of genetic algorithms using optimal mixing | Yi-Yun Liao, Hung-Wei Hsu, Yi-Lin Juang, and Tian-Li Yu (National Taiwan University) |
ECOM | Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Scheduling of Mobile Robots | Quang-Vinh Dang (Masaryk University, Eindhoven University of Technology); Hana Rudová (Masaryk University); and Cong Thanh Nguyen (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology) |
GP | Comparing and Combining Lexicase Selection and Novelty Search | Lia Jundt and Thomas Helmuth (Hamilton College) |
DETA | Evolving Dota 2 Shadow Fiend Bots using Genetic Programming with External Memory | Robert Jacob Smith and Malcolm I. Heywood (Dalhousie University) |
ECOM | A characterisation of S-box fitness landscape in cryptography | Domagoj Jakobovic (University of Zagreb), Stjepan Picek (Delft University of Technology), Marcella Ribeiro (Federal University of Technology - Paraná/Brazil), and Markus Wagner (University of Adelaide) |
GA | Resource Optimization for Elective Surgical Procedures Using Quantum-inspired Genetic Algorithms. | Rene Gonzalez (PUC-Rio, Solinftec); Marley Vellasco (PUC-Rio); and Karla Figueiredo (UERJ, PUC-Rio) |
SBSE | SQL Data Generation to Enhance Search-Based System Testing | Andrea Arcuri (Kristiania University College) and Juan Pablo Galeotti (Universidad de Buenos Aires) |
Theory | A Tight Runtime Analysis for the cGA on Jump Functions - EDAs Can Cross Fitness Valleys at No Extra Cost | Benjamin Doerr (Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX)) |
RWA | GA-Guided Task Planning for Multiple-HAPS in Realistic Time-Varying Operation Environments | Jane Jean Kiam (University of the Bundeswehr, Munich); Eva Besada-Portas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); Valerie Hehtke (Universität der Bundeswehr Muenchen); and Axel Schulte (University of the Bundeswehr, Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen) |
ACO-SI | Control Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of the Multi-guide Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm | Kyle Harper Erwin (Allan Gray, University of Stellenbosh) and Andries Engelbrecht (University of Stellenbosh) |
RWA | Well Placement Optimization under Geological Statistical Uncertainty | Atsuhiro Miyagi (Taisei Corporation), Youhei Akimoto (University of Tsukuba), and Hajime Yamamoto (Taisei Corporation) |
ACO-SI | AMclr - An Improved Ant-Miner to Extract Comprehensible and Diverse Classification Rules | Umair Ayub, Asim Ikram, and Waseem Shahzad (National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences) |
ECOM | Predict or Screen Your Expensive Assay? DoE vs. Surrogates in Experimental Combinatorial Optimization | Naama Horesh (The Galilee Research Institute - Migal); Thomas Bäck (Leiden University); and Ofer M. Shir (Tel-Hai College, The Galilee Research Institute - Migal) |
GP | Promoting Semantic Diversity in Multi-objective Genetic Programming | Edgar Galván (Department of Computer Science, Maynooth University, Ireland) and Marc Schoenauer (Inria) |
EML | Auto-CVE: A coevolutionary approach to evolve ensembles in Automated Machine Learning | Celio Henrique Nogueira Larcher Junior (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica) and Helio J.C. Barbosa (LNCC, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora) |
GA | A Lexicographic Genetic Algorithm for Hierarchical Classification Rule Induction | Gean Pereira (Federal University of São Carlos), Paulo Gabriel (Federal University of Uberlândia), and Ricardo Cerri (Federal University of São Carlos) |
EMO | Single- and Multi-Objective Game-Benchmark for Evolutionary Algorithms | Vanessa Volz (Queen Mary University of London), Boris Naujoks (TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences), Pascal Kerschke (University of Münster), and Tea Tušar (Jožef Stefan Institute) |
Theory | Improved Runtime Results for Simple Randomised Search Heuristics on Linear Functions with a Uniform Constraint | Frank Neumann and Mojgan Pourhassan (University of Adelaide) and Carsten Witt (Technical University of Denmark) |
GA | Parametrizing Convection Selection: Conclusions from the Analysis of Performance in the NKq Model | Maciej Komosinski and Konrad Miazga (Poznan University of Technology) |
EMO | A Parameterless Performance Metric for Reference-Point Based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms | Sunith Bandaru and Henrik Smedberg (University of Skövde) |
RWA | Cloud-based Dynamic Distributed Optimisation of Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling in Smart Factories | Shuai Zhao, Piotr Dziurzanski, and Michal Przewozniczek (University of York); Marcin Komarnicki (Wroclaw University of Technology); and Leandro Soares Indrusiak (University of York) |
EML | Spatial Evolutionary Generative Adversarial Networks | Jamal Toutouh (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, University of Málaga) and Erik Hemberg and Una-May O'Reilly (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology) |
EMO | Robust indicator-based algorithm for interactive evolutionary multiple objective optimization | Michał Tomczyk and Miłosz Kadziński (Poznan University of Technology) |
GP | Batch Tournament Selection for Genetic Programming: The quality of Lexicase, the speed of Tournament | Vinícius Veloso de Melo (SkipTheDishes); Danilo V. Vargas (Kyushu University); and Wolfgang Banzhaf (BEACON Center, Michigan State University) |
EMO | Efficient Real-Time Hypervolume Estimation with Monotonically Reducing Error | Jonathan Edward Fieldsend (University of Exeter) |
ENUM | Analysis of a Meta-ES on a Conically Constrained Problem | Michael Hellwig and Hans-Georg Beyer (FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences) |
Theory | Self-Adjusting Mutation Rates with Provably Optimal Success Rules | Benjamin Doerr (Ecole Polytechnique); Carola Doerr (CNRS, Sorbonne University); and Johannes Lengler (ETH Zurich) |
CS | POET: Open-Ended Coevolution of Environments and their Optimized Solutions | Rui Wang, Joel Lehman, Jeff Clune, and Kenneth O. Stanley (Uber AI Labs) |
GECH | Surrogates for Hierarchical Search Spaces: The Wedge-Kernel and an Automated Analysis | Daniel Horn (TU Dortmund), Jörg Stork (TH Köln), Nils-Jannik Schüßler (TU Dortmund), and Martin Zaefferer (TH Köln) |
EML | Adaptive Multi-Subswarm Optimisation for Feature Selection on High-Dimensional Classification | Binh Ngan Tran (Victoria University of Wellington; Can Tho University, Can Tho, Viet Nam) and Bing Xue and Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
GA | Convolutional Neural Network Surrogate-Assisted GOMEA | Arkadiy Dushatskiy (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)); Adriënne M. Mendrik (Netherlands eScience Center); Tanja Alderliesten (Amsterdam UMC); and Peter A. N. Bosman (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Delft University of Technology) |
ECOM | An Improved Merge Search Algorithm For the Constrained Pit Problem in Open-pit Mining | Angus Kenny and Xiaodong Li (RMIT University), Andreas Ernst (Monash University), and Yuan Sun (RMIT University) |
ENUM | Large-Scale Noise-Resilient Evolution-Strategies | Oswin Krause (University of Copenhagen) |
ECOM | Fast Re-Optimization via Structural Diversity | Benjamin Doerr (Ecole Polytechnique); Carola Doerr (CNRS, Sorbonne University); and Frank Neumann (The University of Adelaide) |
ACO-SI | A Stable Hybrid method for Feature Subset Selection using Particle Swarm Optimization with Local Search | Hassen Dhrif, Luis G. Sanchez Giraldo, Miroslav Kubat, and Stefan Wuchty (University of Miami, Florida) |
GECH | On the Impact of the Cutoff Time on the Performance of Algorithm Configurators | George T. Hall, Pietro S. Oliveto, and Dirk Sudholt (The University of Sheffield) |
RWA | Stability Analysis for Safety of Automotive Multi-Product Lines: A Search-Based Approach | Nian-Ze Lee (National Taiwan University), Paolo Arcaini (National Institute of Informatics), Shaukat Ali (Simula Research Laboratory), and Fuyuki Ishikawa (National Institute of Informatics) |
ACO-SI | Simultaneous Meta-Data and Meta-Classifier Selection in Multiple Classifier System | Thanh Tien Nguyen (Robert Gordon University); Vu Anh Luong (Griffith University); Van Thi Minh Nguyen (Department of Planning and Investment, Ba Ria Vung Tau); Sy Trong Ha (Hanoi University of Science and Technology); Alan Wee Chung Liew (Griffith University); and John McCall (Robert Gordon University) |
GA | A Genetic Algorithm Hybridisation Scheme for Effective Use of Parallel Workers | Simon Bowly (The University of Melbourne) |
GP | Semantic variation operators for multidimensional genetic programming | William La Cava and Jason H. Moore (University of Pennsylvania) |
EMO | Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for DNA Codeword Design | Jeisson Prieto, Jonatan Gomez, and Elizabeth Leon (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) |
DETA | Tile Pattern KL-Divergence for Analysing and Evolving Game Levels | Simon M. Lucas and Vanessa Volz (Queen Mary University of London) |
RWA | Relative evolutionary hierarchical analysis for gene expression data classification | Marcin Czajkowski and Marek Kretowski (Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science) |
GP | Evolving Boolean Functions with Conjunctions and Disjunctions via Genetic Programming | Benjamin Doerr (École Polytechnique) and Andrei Lissovoi and Pietro Simone Oliveto (The University of Sheffield) |
CS | Effects of environmental conditions on evolved robot morphologies and behavior | Karine Miras and A.E. Eiben (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) |
EMO | Constrained Multiobjective Distance Minimization Problems | Yusuke Nojima, Takafumi Fukase, Yiping Liu, and Naoki Masuyama (Osaka Prefecture University) and Hisao Ishibuchi (Southern University of Science and Technology) |
RWA | Sentiment analysis with genetically evolved Gaussian kernels | Ibai Roman, Alexander Mendiburu, and Roberto Santana (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)) and Jose A. Lozano (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM)) |
GA | Offspring Population Size Matters when Comparing Evolutionary Algorithms with Self-Adjusting Mutation Rates | Anna Rodionova, Kirill Antonov, and Arina Buzdalova (ITMO University) and Carola Doerr (CNRS, Sorbonne University) |
RWA | Evolutionary approaches to dynamic earth observation satellites mission planning under uncertainty | Guillaume Poveda, Olivier Regnier-Coudert, Florent Teichteil-Koenigsbuch, Gerard Dupont, Alexandre Arnold, Jonathan Guerra, and Mathieu Picard (Airbus) |
GP | Solving Symbolic Regression Problems with Formal Constraints | Iwo Błądek and Krzysztof Krawiec (Poznan University of Technology) |
EML | Evolutionary Neural AutoML for Deep Learning | Jason Liang, Elliot Meyerson, Risto Miikkulainen, Babak Hodjat, Dan Fink, and Karl Mutch (Cognizant Technology Solutions) |
EMO | Archiver Effects on the Performance of State-of-the-art Multi- and Many-objective Evolutionary Algorithms | Leonardo César Teonácio Bezerra (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte), Manuel López-Ibáñez (University of Manchester), and Thomas Stützle (Université Libre de Bruxelles) |
CS | Modeling User Selection in Quality Diversity | Alexander Hagg (Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science); Alexander Asteroth (Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences); and Thomas Bäck (Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science) |
RWA | Differential Evolution Based Spatial Filter Optimization for Brain-Computer Interface | Gabriel H. de Souza, Heder S. Bernardino, and Alex B. Vieira (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora) and Helio J.C. Barbosa (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora) |
RWA | Inverse generative social science using multi-objective genetic programming | Tuong Manh Vu (University of Sheffield); Charlotte Probst (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health); Joshua M. Epstein (New York University); and Mark Strong, Alan Brennan, and Robin C. Purshouse (University of Sheffield) |
RWA | Using a Genetic Algorithm with Histogram-Based Feature Selection in Hyperspectral Image Classification | Neil S. Walton, John W. Sheppard, and Joseph A. Shaw (Montana State University) |
EMO | Real-valued Evolutionary Multi-modal Multi-objective Optimization by Hill-valley Clustering | Stef C. Maree and Tanja Alderliesten (Amsterdam UMC) and Peter A. N. Bosman (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)) |
ACO-SI | A Peek into the Swarm: Analysis of the Gravitational Search Algorithm and Recommendations for Parameter Selection | Florian Knauf and Ralf Bruns (Hochschule Hannover) |
GA | Parallelism and Partitioning in Large-Scale GAs using Spark | Laila Alterkawi and Matteo Migliavacca (University of Kent) |
ECOM | Application of CMSA to the Minimum Capacitated Dominating Set Problem | Pedro Pinacho-Davidson (Universidad de Concepción), Salim Bouamama (University of Ferhat Abbas - Sétif 1), and Christian Blum (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC)) |
CS | Selection mechanisms affect volatility in evolving markets | David Rushing Dewhurst, Michael V. Arnold, and Colin M. Van Oort (University of Vermont) |
EML | Deep Neuroevolution of Recurrent and Discrete World Models | Sebastian Risi and Kenneth O. Stanley (Uber AI Labs) |
EML | Population-based Ensemble Classifier Induction for Domain Adaptation | Bach Hoai Nguyen, Bing Xue, Mengjie Zhang, and Peter Andreae (Victoria University of Wellington) |
EMO | Non-elitist Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimizers Revisited | Ryoji Tanabe and Hisao Ishibuchi (Southern University of Science and Technology) |
RWA | Optimising Trotter-Suzuki Decompositions for Quantum Simulation Using Evolutionary Strategies | Benjamin Jones, George O'Brien, David White, Earl Campbell, and John Clark (The University of Sheffield) |
SBSE | A Hybrid Evolutionary System for Automatic Software Repair | Yuan Yuan and Wolfgang Banzhaf (Michigan State University) |
SBSE | Footprints of Fitness Functions in Search-Based Software Testing | Carlos Guimaraes, Aldeida Aleti, Yuan-Fang Li, and Mohamed Abdelrazek (Monash University) |
EML | Evolving Controllably Difficult Datasets for Clustering | Cameron Shand, Richard Allmendinger, Julia Handl, Andrew Webb, and John Keane (University of Manchester) |
ECOM | On Inversely Proportional Hypermutations with Mutation Potential | Dogan Corus, Pietro S. Oliveto, and Donya Yazdani (The University of Sheffield) |
GP | On the Role of Non-effective Code in Linear Genetic Programming | Léo Françoso Dal Piccol Sotto (Federal University of São Paulo, Johannes Gutenberg University) and Franz Rothlauf (Johannes Gutenberg University) |
EMO | Uncrowded Hypervolume Improvement: COMO-CMA-ES and the Sofomore framework | Cheikh Toure, Nikolaus Hansen, Anne Auger, and Dimo Brockhoff (Inria, École Polytechnique) |
GA | Multi-heap Constraint Handling in Gray Box Evolutionary Algorithms | Thiago Macedo Gomes, Alan Robert Resende de Freitas, and Rodolfo Ayala Lopes (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto) |
GP | Novel Ensemble Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristics for Uncertain Capacitated Arc Routing Problem | Shaolin Wang, Yi Mei, and Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
SBSE | Why Train-and-Select When You Can Use Them All: Ensemble Model for Fault Localisation | Jeongju Sohn and Shin Yoo (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) |
GA | The Massively Parallel Mixing Genetic Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem | Swetha Varadarajan and Darrell Whitley (Colorado State University) |
RWA | Surrogate-based Optimization for Reduction of Contagion Susceptibility in Financial Systems | Krzysztof Michalak (Wroclaw University of Economics) |
EML | Absumption to Complement Subsumption in Learning Classifier Systems | Yi Liu and Will N. Browne (Victoria University of Wellington, victoria university of wellington) and Bing Xue (Victoria University of Wellington) |
ENUM | Mixed-Integer Benchmark Problems for Single- and Bi-Objective Optimization | Tea Tušar (Jožef Stefan Institute) and Dimo Brockhoff and Nikolaus Hansen (Inria, École Polytechnique) |
GECH | Surrogate Models for Enhancing the Efficiency of Neuroevolution in Reinforcement Learning | Jörg Stork, Martin Zaefferer, and Thomas Bartz-Beielstein (TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences) and A. E. Eiben (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) |
EML | Efficient Personalized Community Detection via Genetic Evolution | Zheng Gao (Indiana University Bloomington), Chun Guo (Pandora Media LLC), and Xiaozhong Liu (Indiana University Bloomington) |
GECH | Meta-learning on Flowshop using Fitness Landscape Analysis | Lucas Marcondes Pavelski and Myriam Regattieri Delgado (Federal University of Technology of Paraná) and Marie-Éléonore Kessaci (Université de Lille) |
EMO | An Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm based on Non-Euclidean Geometry for Many-objective Optimization | Annibale Panichella (Delft University of Technology) |
EML | Lexicase Selection in Learning Classifier Systems | Sneha Aenugu (University of Massachusetts Amherst) and Lee Spector (Hampshire College, University of Massachusetts Amherst) |
GP | Linear Scaling with and within Semantic Backpropagation-based Genetic Programming for Symbolic Regression | Marco Virgolin (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Delft University of Technology); Tanja Alderliesten (Amsterdam UMC); and Peter A. N. Bosman (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Delft University of Technology) |
SBSE | Improving Search-Based Software Testing by Constraint-Based Genetic Operators | Ziming Zhu and Li Jiao (State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) |
RWA | Towards Better Generalization in WLAN Positioning Systems with Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks | Diogo Moury Fernandes Izidio (Federal University of Pernambuco, Center for Strategic Technologies of the Northeast); Antonyus Pyetro do Amaral Ferreira (Center for Strategic Technologies of the Northeast); and Edna Natividade da Silva Barros (Federal University of Pernambuco) |
GECH | Hyper-Parameter Tuning for the $(1+(lambda,lambda))$ GA | Nguyen Dang (University of St Andrews) and Carola Doerr (CNRS, Sorbonne University) |
EML | Evolving Deep Neural Networks by Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Image Classification | Bin Wang, Yanan Sun, Bing Xue, and Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
EML | Investigating Recurrent Neural Network Memory Structures using Neuro-Evolution | Alexander Ororbia, AbdElRahman ElSaid, and Travis Desell (Rochester Institute of Technology) |
ENUM | Adaptive Ranking Based Constraint Handling for Explicitly Constrained Black-Box Optimization | Naoki Sakamoto and Youhei Akimoto (University of Tsukuba) |
GECH | Adaptive Simulator Selection for Multi-Fidelity Optimization | Youhei Akimoto (University of Tsukuba) and Takuma Shimizu and Takahiro Yamaguchi (Shinshu University) |
Theory | The Efficiency Threshold for the Offspring Population Size of the ($mu$, $lambda$) EA | Antipov Denis (ITMO University, Ecole Polytechnique); Benjamin Doerr (École Polytechnique, Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX)); and Quentin Yang (École Polytechnique) |
RWA | GenAttack: Practical Black-box Attacks with Gradient-Free Optimization | Moustafa Alzantot (UCLA); Yash Sharma (Cooper Union); Supriyo Chakraborty (IBM Research); and Huan Zhang, Cho-Jui Hsieh, and Mani Srivastava (UCLA) |
CS | When Mating Improves On-line Collective robotics | Amine Boumaza (University of Lorraine, Loria) |
RWA | Structured Grammatical Evolution for Glucose Prediction in Diabetic Patients | Nuno Lourenço (CISUC, Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra); J. Manuel Colmenar (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos); and J. Ignacio Hidalgo and Oscar Garnica (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) |
EMO | Surrogate-assisted Multi-objective Optimization based on Decomposition: A Comprehensive Comparative Analysis | Nicolas Berveglieri, Bilel Derbel, and Arnaud Liefooghe (Univ. Lille, Inria Lille - Nord Europe) and Hernán Aguirre and Kiyoshi Tanaka (Shinshu University) |