- The review process is now over: 168 contributions have been accepted as posters. They will be published in the Companion Volume (and hence in the Digital Library) and shown during the poster session of the conference.
- Search the list below by typing text in the column headers.
- See also the list of accepted papers.
- The Call for Papers and the Papers Submission Instructions are still available for your information.
Accepted Posters
Track | Title | Authors |
EMO | Using Diversity as a Priority Function for Resource Allocation on MOEA/D | Yuri Lavinas (University of Tsukuba), Claus Aranha (University of Tsukuba), Tetsuya Sakurai (University of Tsukuba) |
CS | The Cost of Morphological Complexity | Geoff Nitschke (University of Cape Town) |
GA | The 1/5-th Rule with Rollbacks: On Self-Adjustment of the Population Size in the $(1+(lambda,lambda))$~GA | Anton Bassin (ITMO University), Maxim Buzdalov (ITMO University) |
Theory | Black-Box Complexity of the Binary Value Function | Nina Bulanova (ITMO University), Maxim Buzdalov (ITMO University) |
ENUM | On Equivalence of Algorithm's Implementations: The CMA-ES Algorithm and Its Five Implementations | Rafał Biedrzycki (Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology) |
SBSE | Towards Evolutionary Theorem Proving for Isabelle/HOL | Yutaka Nagashima (Czech Technical University, University of Innsbruck) |
ECOM | Formal Specification of Local Search Neighborhoods from a Constraint Satisfaction Problem Structure | Mateusz Ślażyński (AGH University of Science and Technology), Salvador Abreu (University of Évora; LISP - Laboratório de Informática, Sistemas e Paralelismo), Grzegorz Nalepa (AGH University of Science and Technology) |
SBSE | Visualizing Swarm Behavior with a Particle Density Map | Hyeon-Chang Lee (Kwangwoon University), Yong-Hyuk Kim (Kwangwoon University) |
EML | Novelty Search for Deep Reinforcement Learning Policy Network Weights by Action Sequence Edit Metric Distance | Ethan Jackson (The University of Western Ontario, Vector Institute), Mark Daley (The University of Western Ontario, Vector Institute) |
RWA | Enhancing Classification Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks for Prostate Cancer Detection on Magnetic Resonance Images: a Study with the Semantic Learning Machine | Paulo Lapa (NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Ivo Gonçalves (INESC Coimbra, DEEC, University of Coimbra), Leonardo Rundo (University of Cambridge, Department of Radiology), Mauro Castelli (NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa) |
GA | Comparison of GAs in Black-Box Scenarios: Use-Case Specific Analysis | Cheng Hao Yang (National Taiwan University), Hou Cheong (National Taiwan University), Tian-Li Yu (National Taiwan University) |
EMO | An a priori Knee Identification Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on α-Dominance | Guo Yu (Department of Computer Science of University of Surrey), Yaochu Jin (Department of Computer Science of University of Surrey), Markus Olhofer (Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH) |
EML | On the Potential of Evolutionary Algorithms for Replacing Backpropagation for Network Weight Optimization | Hao Wang (Leiden University), Thomas Bäck (Leiden University), Aske Plaat (Leiden University), Michael Emmerich (Leiden University), Mike Preuss (Leiden University) |
Theory | Maximizing Drift is Not Optimal for Solving OneMax | Nathan Buskulic (Sorbonne University), Carola Doerr (CNRS, Sorbonne University) |
GP | Automated Design of Random Dynamic Graph Models for Enterprise Computer Network Applications | Aaron Pope (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Daniel Tauritz (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Chris Rawlings (Los Alamos National Laboratory) |
GA | Approximate Search in Dissimilarity Spaces using GA | David Bernhauer (Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague), Tomáš Skopal (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University) |
RWA | Evolutionary refinement of the 3D structure of multi-domain protein complexes from small angle X-ray scattering data | Olga Rudenko (Synchrotron Soleil), Aurelien Thureau (Synchrotron Soleil), Javier Perez (Synchrotron Soleil) |
GP | Semantic Fitness Function in Genetic Programming Based on Semantics Flow Analysis | Pak-Kan Wong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Man-Leung Wong (Lingnan University), Kwong-Sak Leung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) |
ENUM | Investigating the Effects of Population Size and the Number of Subcomponents on the Performance of SHADE Algorithm with Random Adaptive Grouping for LSGO Problems | Evgenii Sopov (Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology), Alexey Vakhnin (Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology) |
RWA | Discovery of Robust Protocols for Secure Quantum Cryptography | Walter Krawec (University of Connecticut), Sam Markelon (University of Connecticut) |
RWA | Neural-Network Assistance to Calculate Precise Eigenvalue for Fitness Evaluation of Real Product Design | Yukito Tsunoda (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.), Takahiro Notsu (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.), Yasufumi Sakai (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.), Naoki Hamada (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.), Toshihiko Mori (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.), Teruo Ishihara (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.), Atsuki Inoue (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.) |
RWA | Solving the First and Last Mile Problem with Connected and Autonomous Vehicles | Alma Rahat (University of Plymouth), Ralph Ledbetter (University of Exeter), Alex Dawn (City Science), Robert Byrne (City Science), Richard Everson (University of Exeter) |
RWA | Evolving Planar Mechanisms for the Conceptual Stage of Mechanical Design | Paul Lapok (Edinburgh Napier University), Alistair Lawson (Edinburgh Napier University), Ben Paechter (Edinburgh Napier University) |
RWA | On the Use of Context Sensitive Grammars in Genetic Programming For Legal Non-Compliance Detection | Carl Im (Iolex), Erik Hemberg (MIT) |
GP | Space Partition based Gene Expression Programming for Symbolic Regression | Qiang Lu (China University of Petroleum), Shuo Zhou (China University of Petroleum), Fan Tao (China University of Petroleum), Zhiguang Wang (China University of Petroleum) |
GECH | Improving the algorithmic efficiency and performance of channel-based evolutionary algorithms | JJ Merelo (University of Granada), Juan-Luis Laredo (Le Havre University), Pedro Castillo-Valdivieso (University of Granada), Mario García-Valdez (Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana), Sergio Rojas (Universidad Distrital Colombia) |
ENUM | Empirical Evaluation of Contextual Policy Search with a Comparison-based Surrogate Model and Active Covariance Matrix Adaptation | Alexander Fabisch (DFKI GmbH, Robotics Innovation Center) |
GA | Multiple World Genetic Algorithm to Analyze Individually Advantageous Behaviors in Complex Networks | Yutaro Miura (Waseda University), Fujio Toriumi (The University of Tokyo), Toshiharu Sugawara (Waseda University) |
EML | Evolutionarily-tuned support vector machines | Wojciech Dudzik (Silesian University of Technology), Michal Kawulok (Silesian University of Technology), Jakub Nalepa (Silesian University of Technology) |
RWA | A Genetic Algorithm based Column Generation Method for Multi-Depot Electric Bus Vehicle Scheduling | Congcong Guo (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Chunlu Wang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Xingquan Zuo (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) |
ENUM | A New Neighborhood Topology for QUAntum Particle Swarm Optimization (QUAPSO) | Arnaud Flori (UPEC), Hamouche Oulhadj (UPEC), Patrick Siarry (UPEC) |
GP | Investigating the Use of Linear Programming to Solve Implicit Symbolic Regression Problems | Quang Huynh (The University of New South Wales), Hemant Singh (The University of New South Wales), Tapabrata Ray (The University of New South Wales) |
GA | Mining a massive RNA-seq dataset with biclustering: are evolutionary approaches ready for big data? | Patryk Orzechowski (University of Pennsylvania, AGH University of Science and Technology), Jason Moore (University of Pennsylvania) |
SBSE | Franken-Swarm: Grammatical Evolution for the Automatic Generation of Swarm-like Meta-heuristics | Anna Bogdanova (University of Tsukuba), Jair Pereira Junior (University of Tsukuba), Claus Aranha (University of Tsukuba) |
EML | Neural Network Architecture Search with Differentiable Cartesian Genetic Programming for Regression | Marcus Märtens (European Space Agency), Dario Izzo (European Space Agency) |
ENUM | Evaluating MAP-Elites on Constrained Optimization Problems | Stefano Fioravanzo (University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler), Giovanni Iacca (University of Trento) |
ECOM | Noisy Combinatorial Optimisation by Evolutionary Algorithms | .. Aishwaryaprajna (The University of Birmingham), Jonathan Rowe (The University of Birmingham) |
CS | HIT-EE: a Novel Embodied Evolutionary Algorithm for Low Cost Swarm Robotics | Nicolas Bredeche (Sorbonne Université) |
EMO | Evolving Cooperation for the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma | Jessica Finocchiaro (University of Colorado), H. Mathias (University of Wisconsin - La Crosse) |
EML | Multiobjective Multi Unit Type Neuroevolution for Micro in RTS Games | Aavaas Gajurel (University of Nevada, Reno), Sushil Louis (University of Nevada, Reno) |
GECH | Comparing Terminal Sets for Evolving CMA-ES Mean-Update Selection | Samuel Richter (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Michael Schoen (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Daniel Tauritz (Missouri University of Science and Technology) |
RWA | Graph-based Multi-Objective Generation of Customised Wiring Harnesses | Jens Weise (Volkswagen AG, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg), Steven Benkhardt (MHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbH), Sanaz Mostaghim (Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg) |
RWA | Optimization of chemical structures for seawater desalination | Kyo Migishima (Shinshu University), Takahiro Fujii (Hitachi Management Partner), Hernán Aguirre (Shinshu University), Rodolfo Cruz-Silva (Shinshu University), Kiyoshi Tanaka (Shinshu University) |
ENUM | On the use of Metaheuristics in Hyperparameters Optimization of Gaussian Processes | Pramudita Palar (Institut Teknologi Bandung), Lavi Zuhal (Institut Teknologi Bandung), Koji Shimoyama (Tohoku University) |
EML | Evolving Recurrent Neural Networks for Emergent Communication | Joshua Sirota (University of Alberta), Vadim Bulitko (University of Alberta), Matthew Brown (University of Alberta), Sergio Hernandez (University of Alberta) |
EML | Using Genetic Programming for Combining an Ensemble of Local and Global Outlier Algorithms to Detect New Attacks | Gianluigi Folino (ICAR-CNR), Maryam Haeri (Amirkabir University of Technology (), Francesco Pisani (ICAR-CNR), Luigi Pontieri (ICAR-CNR), Pietro Sabatino (ICAR-CNR) |
GP | Increasing Genetic Programming Robustness using Simulated Dunning-Kruger Effect | Thomas Griffiths (Aston University) |
GECH | A Hybrid Between a Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm and a Trust Region Method for Constrained Optimization | Rommel Regis (Saint Joseph's University, Department of Mathematics) |
EML | How XCS Can Prevent Misdistinguishing Rule Accuracy: A Preliminary Study | Masaya Nakata (Yokohama National University), Will Browne (Victoria University of Wellington) |
CS | Positive Impact of Isomorphic Changes in the Environment on Collective Decision-Making | Palina Bartashevich (University of Magdeburg), Sanaz Mostaghim (University of Magdeburg) |
GA | Runtime Analysis of Abstract Evolutionary Search with Standard Crossover | Tina Malalanirainy (University of Exeter), Alberto Moraglio (University of Exeter) |
EML | Improving Classification Performance of Support Vector Machines via Guided Custom Kernel Search | Kumar Ayush (Adobe Inc.), Abhishek Sinha (Adobe Inc.) |
RWA | Impact of subcircuit selection on the efficiency of CGP-based optimization of gate-level circuits | Jitka Kocnova (Brno University of Technology), Zdenek Vasicek (Brno University of Technology) |
ENUM | Extended Stochastic Derivative-Free Optimization on Riemannian manifolds | Robert Fong (University of Birmingham), Peter Tino (University of Birmingham) |
GP | Designing Correlation Immune Boolean Functions With Minimal Hamming Weight Using Various Genetic Programming Methods | Jakub Husa (Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology) |
GECH | AlphaStar: An Evolutionary Computation Perspective | Kai Arulkumaran (Imperial College London), Antoine Cully (Imperial College London), Julian Togelius (New York University) |
ENUM | Benchmarking the region learning-based JADE on noiseless functions | Mingcheng Zuo (China University of Geosciences, University of Bologna), Guangming Dai (China University of Geosciences), Lei Peng (China University of Geosciences), Maocai Wang (China University of Geosciences), Pan Peng (Shanghai Institute of Satellite Engineering), Changchun Chen (Shanghai Institute of Satellite Engineering) |
EML | Multi-GPU approach for big data mining - global induction of decision trees | Krzysztof Jurczuk (Bialystok University of Technology), Marcin Czajkowski (Bialystok University of Technology), Marek Kretowski (Bialystok University of Technology) |
EMO | Classical MOEAs for solving a multi-objective problem of supply chain design and operation | Ángel David Téllez Macías (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana), Antonin Ponsich (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana), Roman Anselmo Mora Gutíerrez (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana) |
EMO | Reliability-Based MOGA Design Optimization Using Probabilistic Response Surface Method and Bayesian Neural Network | Juhee Lim (Yonsei University), Jongsoo Lee (Yonsei University) |
GP | To Adapt or Not to Adapt, or The Beauty of Random Settings | João Batista (University of Lisbon), Nuno Rodrigues (University of Lisbon), Sara Silva (University of Lisbon) |
GP | Transfer Learning Based on Feature Weighting and Feature Contribution in Genetic Programming Hyper-heuristic for Solving Uncertain Capacitated Arc Routing Problem | Mazhar Ansari Ardeh (Victoria University of Wellington), Yi Mei (Victoria University of Wellington), Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
ENUM | A new mutation operator with the ability to adjust exploration and exploitation for DE algorithm | Mingcheng Zuo (China University of Geosciences, University of Bologna) |
RWA | Study on multi-objective optimization for the allocation of transit aircraft to gateway considering satellite hall | Boyuan Xia (National University of Defense Technology), Zhiwei Yang (National University of Defense Technology), Qingsong Zhao (National University of Defense Technology) |
ACO-SI | Collaborative Diversity Control Strategy for Random Drift Particle Swarm Optimization | Chao Li (Jiangnan University), Jun Sun (Jiangnan University), Vasile Palade (Coventry University), Qidong Chen (Jiangnan University), Wei Fang (Jiangnan University) |
EML | Augmenting neuro-evolutionary adaptation with representations does not incur a speed accuracy trade-off | Douglas Kirkpatrick (Michigan State University), Arend Hintze (Michigan State University) |
Theory | Unlimited Budget Analysis | Jun He (Nottingham Trent University), Thomas Jansen (Aberystywth University), Christine Zarges (Aberystwyth University) |
CS | Evaluation of Runtime Bounds for SELEX Procedure with High Selection Pressure | Anton Eremeev (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, The Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences RAS), Alexander Spirov (I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry RAS, The Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences RAS) |
CS | Evolutionary Predator-prey Robot Systems: from simulation to real world | Gongjin Lan (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Jiunhan Chen (University of Amsterdam), Agoston Eiben (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) |
DETA | Solving Nurikabe with Ant Colony Optimization | Martyn Amos (Northumbria University), Matthew Crossley (Manchester Metropolitan University), Huw Lloyd (Manchester Metropolitan University) |
CS | Learning to Select Mates in Artificial Life | Dylan Ashley (University of Alberta), Valliappa Chockalingam (University of Alberta), Braedy Kuzma (University of Alberta), Vadim Bulitko (University of Alberta) |
RWA | Multi-Objective Collective Search and Movement-based Metrics in Swarm Robotics | Sebastian Mai (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg), Heiner Zille (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg), Christoph Steup (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg), Sanaz Mostaghim (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg) |
GECH | Can Route Planning be Smarter with Transfer Optimization? | Ray Lim (Nanyang Technological University), Yew-Soon Ong (Nanyang Technological University), Hanh Phan (Teko Vietnam), Abhishek Gupta (SIMTech), Allan Zhang (SIMTech) |
ECOM | A Memetic Algorithm with Distance-guided Crossover: Distributed Data-intensive Web Service Composition | Soheila Sadeghiram (Victoria University of Wellington), Hui Ma (Victoria University of Wellington), Gang Chen (Victoria University of Wellington) |
ENUM | GECCO Black-Box Optimization Competitions: Progress from 2009 to 2018 | Urban Škvorc (Jožef Stefan Institute, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School), Tome Eftimov (Jožef Stefan Institute), Peter Korošec (Jožef Stefan Institute, University of Primorska) |
CS | Towards Continual Reinforcement Learning through Evolutionary Meta-Learning | Djordje Grbic (IT University of Copenhagen), Sebastian Risi (IT University of Copenhagen) |
RWA | Multi-objective genetic algorithms for reducing mark read-out effort in lithographic tests | Pierluigi Frisco (ASML), Timo Bootsma (ASML), Thomas Bäck (Leiden University) |
GA | Latin Hypercube Initialization Strategy for Design Space Exploration of Deep Neural Network Architectures | Heitor Medeiros (Federal University of Pernambuco, Center for Strategic Technologies of the Northeast), Diogo Izidio (Federal University of Pernambuco, Center for Strategic Technologies of the Northeast), Antonyus Ferreira (Center for Strategic Technologies of the Northeast), Edna Barros (Center of Informatics of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Centro de Tecnologias Estrategicas do Nordeste) |
ECOM | Ranking-based Discrete Optimization Algorithm for Asymmetric Competitive Facility Location | Algirdas Lancinskas (Vilnius University), Julius Zilinskas (Vilnius University), Pascual Fernandez (University of Murcia), Blas Pelegrin (University of Murcia) |
EMO | Many-View Clustering - An Illustration using Multiple Dissimilarity Measures | Adán José-García (University of Manchester, adan.jose-garcia at manchester.ac.uk), Julia Handl (University of Manchester), Wilfrido Gómez-Flores (CINVESTAV-IPN), Mario Garza-Fabre (CINVESTAV-IPN) |
GA | Parameter-less Population Pyramid with Automatic Feedback | Adam Zielinski (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology), Marcin Komarnicki (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology), Michal Przewozniczek (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology) |
ENUM | Comparing reliability of grid-based Quality-Diversity algorithms using artificial landscapes | Leo Cazenille (Ochanomizu University) |
DETA | Evolving Music with Emotional Feedback | Geoff Nitschke (University of Cape Town), Paul Cohen (University of Cape Town) |
SBSE | Security Testing of Web Applications: A Search-Based Approach for Detecting SQL Injection Vulnerabilities | Muyang Liu (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China), Ke Li (University of Exeter), Tao Chen (Nottingham Trent University) |
RWA | A Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Robot Routing in Automated Bridge Inspection | Nicholas Harris (University of Nevada), Sushil Louis (University of Nevada), Siming Liu (Missouri State University), Hung La (University of Nevada) |
RWA | Efficient Frontiers in Portfolio Optimisation with Minimum Proportion Constraints | Tahani Alotaibi (University of Plymouth), Matthew Craven (University of Plymouth) |
EMO | Modified Crowding Distance and Mutation for Multimodal Multi-Objective Optimization | Mahrokh Javadi (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg), Heiner Zille (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg), Sanaz Mostaghim (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg) |
ENUM | Exploitation of Multiple Surrogate Models in Multi-Point Infill Sampling Strategies | Paul Beaucaire (Cenaero), Charlotte Beauthier (Cenaero), Caroline Sainvitu (Cenaero) |
ECOM | Simulated Annealing for the Single-Vehicle Cyclic Inventory Routing Problem | Aldy Gunawan (Singapore Management University), Vincent Yu (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology), Audrey Widjaja (Singapore Management University), Pieter Vansteenwegen (KU Leuven) |
EML | Evolutionary Data Augmentation in Deep Face Detection | João Correia (Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra; ULHT, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias), Tiago Martins (Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra), Penousal Machado (Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra) |
RWA | Feature Selection for Surrogate Model-Based Optimization | Frederik Rehbach (TH Koeln), Lorenzo Gentile (TH Koeln), Thomas Bartz-Beielstein (TH Koeln) |
RWA | Genetic Algorithms for the Network Slice Design Problem Under Uncertainty | Thomas Bauschert (Technische Universität Chemnitz), Varun Reddy (Technische Universität Chemnitz) |
GECH | Evolved Cellular Automata for Edge Detection | Alina Enescu (Babes-Bolyai University), Anca Andreica (Babes-Bolyai University), Laura Dioșan (Babes-Bolyai University) |
CS | MAP-Elites for Noisy Domains by Adaptive Sampling | Niels Justesen (IT University of Copenhagen), Sebastian Risi (IT University of Copenhagen), Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Inria, LORIA; Université de Lorraine) |
EMO | A Physarum-Inspired Competition Algorithm for Solving Discrete Multi-Objective Optimization Problems | Abubakr Awad (University of Aberdeen), Muhammad Usman (University of Aberdeen), David Lusseau (University of Aberdeen), George Coghill (University of Aberdeen), Wei Pang (University of Aberdeen) |
RWA | Benchmarking Genetic Programming in Dynamic Insider Threat Detection | Duc Le (Dalhousie University), Malcolm Heywood (Dalhousie University), Nur Zincir-Heywood (Dalhousie University) |
GP | A Genetic Programming Approach to Feature Selection and Construction for Ransomware, Phishing and Spam Detection | Harith Al-Sahaf (Victoria University of Wellington), Ian Welch (Victoria University of Wellington) |
ENUM | Solving Optimization Problems with High Conditioning by Means of Online Whitening | Samineh Bagheri (TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences), Wolfgang Konen (TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences), Thomas Bäck (Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)) |
CS | Blending Notions of Diversity for MAP-Elites | Daniele Gravina (Institute of Digital Games, University of Malta), Antonios Liapis (Institute of Digital Games, University of Malta), Georgios Yannakakis (Institute of Digital Games, University of Malta) |
RWA | Bond Strength Prediction of FRP-bar Reinforced Concrete: A Multi-gene Genetic Programming Approach | Hamed Bolandi (Michigan State University), Wolfgang Banzhaf (Michigan State University), Nizar Lajnef (Michigan State University), Kaveh Barri (University of Missouri), Amir. H. Alavi (University of Missouri) |
ECOM | Does Constraining the Search Space of GA Always Help? The Case of Balanced Crossover Operators | Luca Manzoni (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca), Luca Mariot (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca), Eva Tuba (Singidunum University) |
RWA | Evolving Optimal Sun-Shading Building Façades | Geoff Nitschke (University of Cape Town), Leon Coetzee (University of Cape Town) |
EML | Strategies for improving performance of evolutionary biclustering algorithm EBIC | Patryk Orzechowski (University of Pennsylvania, AGH University of Science and Technology), Jason Moore (University of Pennsylvania) |
SBSE | A Memetic NSGA-II with EDA-Based Local Search for Fully Automated Multiobjective Web Service Composition | chen wang (Victoria University of Wellingotn), Hui Ma (Victoria University of Wellingotn), Gang Chen (Victoria University of Wellingotn), Sven Hartmann (Clausthal University of Technology) |
GP | Tag-accessed Memory for Genetic Programming | Alexander Lalejini (Michigan State University), Charles Ofria (Michigan State University) |
ENUM | Limitations of benchmark sets and landscape features for algorithm selection and performance prediction | Benjamin Lacroix (Robert Gordon University), John McCall (Robert Gordon University) |
GP | Transfer Learning: A Building Block Selection Mechanism in Genetic Programming for Symbolic Regression | Brandon Muller (Victoria University of Wellington), Harith Al-Sahaf (Victoria University of Wellington), Bing Xue (Victoria University of Wellington), Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
GECH | Textonboost based on Differential Evolution | Keiko Ono (Ryukoku University), Daisuke Tawara (Ryukoku University), Yoshiko Hanada (Kansai University) |
GA | Island Model for Parallel Evolutionary Optimization of Spiking Neuromorphic Computing | Catherine Schuman (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), James Plank (University of Tennessee), Robert Patton (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Thomas Potok (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) |
EMO | Studying Compartmental Models Interpolation to Estimate MOEAs Population Size | Hugo Monzón (Shinshu University), Hernán Aguirre (Shinshu University), Sébastien Verel (Univ. Littoral Cote d’Opale), Arnaud Liefooghe (Univ. Lille, Inria Lille - Nord Europe), Bilel Derbel (Univ. Lille, Inria Lille - Nord Europe), Kiyoshi Tanaka (Shinshu University) |
EMO | Optimisation of Crop Configuration using NSGA-III with Categorical Genetic Operators | Oskar Marko (BioSense Institute), Dejan Pavlović (BioSense Institute), Vladimir Crnojević (BioSense Institute), Kalyanmoy Deb (Michigan State University) |
EMO | A New Constrained Multi-objective Optimization Problems Algorithm Based on Group-sorting | Yijun Liu (Xidian University), Xin Li (Xidian University), Qijia Hao (Xidian University) |
RWA | Optimal Equipment Assignment for Oil Spill Response Using a Genetic Algorithm | Hye-Jin Kim (Kwangwoon Univ.), Junghwan Lee (Kwangwoon Univ.), Jong-Hwui Yun (Korea Maritime and Ocean Univ.), Yong-Hyuk Kim (Kwangwoon Univ.) |
ECOM | Optimizing Permutation-Based Problems With a Discrete Vine-Copula as a Model for EDA | Abdelhakim Cheriet (Kasdi Merbah University of Ouargla), Roberto Santana (Intelligent Systems Group ISG, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU) |
EML | Reuse of Program Trees in Genetic Programming with a New Fitness Function in High-Dimensional Unbalanced Classification | Wenbin Pei (Victoria University of Wellington), Bing Xue (Victoria University of Wellington), Lin Shang (Nanjing University), Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
DETA | Crowd-Sourcing the Sounds of Places with a Web-Based Evolutionary Algorithm | Alexander Brownlee (University of Stirling), Suk-Jun Kim (University of Aberdeen), Szu-Han Wan (The University of Edinburgh), Stella Chan (The University of Edinburgh), Jamie Lawson (University of Aberdeen) |
DETA | Free Form Evolution for Angry Birds Level Structures | Laura Calle Caraballo (Universidad de Granada), Juan Julián Merelo Guervós (Universidad de Granada), Antonio Mora (Universidad de Granada), Mario García Valdez (Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana) |
EML | Identifying Idealised Vectors for Emotion Detection Using CMA-ES | Mohammed Alshahrani (University of Essex), Spyridon Samothrakis (University of Essex), Maria Fasli (University of Essex) |
EML | Differential Evolution for Instance based Transfer Learning in Genetic Programming for Symbolic Regression | Qi Chen (Victoria University of Wellington), Bing Xue (Victoria University of Wellington), Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
GA | A Change Would Do You Good: GA-based Approach for Hiding Data in Program Executables | Ryan Gabrys (NIWC Pacific), Luis Martinez (NIWC Pacific) |
GP | Multimodal Genetic Programming Using Program Similarity Measurement and Its Application to Wall-Following Problem | Shubu Yoshida (Ritsumeikan University), Tomohiro Harada (Ritsumeikan University), Ruck Thawonmas (Ritsumeikan University) |
EMO | Performance of Dynamic Algorithms on the Dynamic Distance Minimization Problem | Mardé Helbig (University of Pretoria), Heiner Zille (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg), Mahrokh Javadi (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg), Sanaz Mostaghim (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg) |
EMO | Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Multiobjective Batch Bayesian Optimization | Hongyan Wang (National Tsing Hua University), Hua Xu (National Tsing Hua University) |
CS | Evolving Indoor Navigational Strategies Using Gated Recurrent Units In NEAT | James Butterworth (University of Liverpool), Rahul Savani (University of Liverpool), Karl Tuyls (University of Liverpool) |
EMO | Preferences-based Multiobjective Virtual Machine Placement: A Ceteris Paribus Approach | Abdulaziz Alashaikh (Umm Al-Qura University), Eisa Alanazi (Umm Al-Qura University) |
EMO | Enhanced Optimization with Composite Objectives and Novelty Pulsation | Hormoz Shahrzad (Cognizant), Babak Hodjat (Cognizant), Camille Dolle (Sentient Investment Management), Andrei Denissov (Sentient Investment Management), Simon Lau (Sentient Investment Management), Donn Goodhew (Sentient Investment Managment), Justin Dyer (Sentient Investment Managment), Risto Miikkulainen (The University of Texas at Austin) |
GA | A Parallel Multi-Population Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm for Electric Distribution Network Reconfiguration | Haroldo De Faria Jr. (Federal University of ABC), Willian Lunardi (University of Luxembourg), Holger Voos (University of Luxembourg) |
GA | A Probabilistic Bitwise Genetic Algorithm for B-Spline based Image Deformation Estimation | Takumi Nakane (University of Fukui), Takuya Akashi (University of Iwate), Xuequan Lu (Deakin University), Chao Zhang (University of Fukui) |
RWA | Neural Network-Based Multiomics Data Integration in Alzheimer’s Disease | Pankhuri Singhal (University of Pennsylvania) |
RWA | EvoIsland: Immersive Interactive Evolutionary 3D Modelling | Alexander Ivanov (University of Calgary), Christian Jacob (University of Calgary) |
EMO | A Decomposition-based EMOA for Set-based Robustness | Carlos Hernández Castellanos (University of Oxford), Sina Ober-Blöbaum (University of Oxford) |
RWA | On the Design of S-box Constructions with Genetic Programming | Stjepan Picek (Delft University of Technology), Domagoj Jakobovic (University of Zagreb) |
ECOM | Decentralised Multi-Demic Evolutionary Approach to the Dynamic Multi-Agent Travelling Salesman Problem | Thomas Kent (University of Bristol), Arthur Richards (University of Bristol) |
CS | Are Quality Diversity Algorithms Better at Generating Stepping Stones than Objective-based Search? | Adam Gaier (Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Inria), Alexander Asteroth (Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg), Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Inria, Université de Lorraine) |
CS | Evolution of Cellular Automata Development Using Various Representations | Michal Bidlo (Brno University of Technology) |
GA | Parameter-less, Population-sizing DSMGA-II | Marcin Komarnicki (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology), Michal Przewozniczek (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology) |
GA | Genealogical Patterns in Evolutionary Algorithms | Carlos Fernandes (University of Lisbon), Juan Laredo (University of Le Havre), Juan Merelo (University of Granada), Agostinho Rosa (University of Lisbon) |
EMO | Noisy Multiobjective Black-Box Optimization using Byesian Optimization | Hongyan Wang (National Tsing Hua University), Hua Xu (National Tsing Hua University) |
Theory | A mathematical analysis of EDAs with distance-based exponential models | Imanol Unanue (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)), María Merino (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)), Jose Antonio Lozano (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)) |
ENUM | On the Non-convergence of Differential Evolution: Some Generalized Adversarial Conditions and A Remedy | Debolina Paul (Indian Statistical Institute), Saptarshi Chakraborty (Indian Statistical Institute), Swagatam Das (Indian Statistical Institute), Ivan Zelinka (VSB-TU Ostrava) |
GECH | A Population Entropy Based Adaptation Strategy for Differential Evolution | Yanyun Zhang (School of Computer, China University of Geosciences), Guangming Dai (School of Computer, China University of Geosciences; Hubei Key Laboratory of Intelligent Geo-Information Processing, China University of Geosciences), Mingcheng Zuo (School of Computer, China University of Geosciences), Lei Peng (School of Computer, China University of Geosciences; Hubei Key Laboratory of Intelligent Geo-Information Processing, China University of Geosciences), Maocai Wang (School of Computer, China University of Geosciences; Hubei Key Laboratory of Intelligent Geo-Information Processing, China University of Geosciences), Zhengquan Liu (Shanghai Institute of Satellite Engineering) |
EMO | A Component-wise Study of K-RVEA: Observations and Potential Future Developments | Ahsanul Habib (The University of New South Wales), Hemant Singh (The University of New South Wales), Tapabrata Ray (The University of New South Wales) |
ECOM | Approaching the Quadratic Assignment Problem with Kernels of Mallows Models under the Hamming Distance | Etor Arza (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics), Josu Ceberio (University of the Basque Country), Aritz Pérez (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics), Ekhiñe Irurozki (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics) |
EMO | Operational Decomposition for Large Scale Multi-objective Optimization Problems | Luis Miguel Antonio (CINVESTAV-IPN), Carlos A. Coello Coello (CINVESTAV), Silvia González Brambila (UAM Azcapotzalco), Josué Figueroa González (UAM Azcapotzalco), Guadalupe Castillo Tapia (UAM Azcapotzalco) |
EMO | Towards a Novel NSGA-II-based Approach for Multi-objective Scientific Workflow Scheduling on Hybrid Clouds | Haithem Hafsi (National School of Computer Science (ENSI), Manouba University), Hamza Gharsellaoui (Khurmah University College, Taif University), Sadok Bouamama (Higher College of Technology DMC, Dubai) |
ACO-SI | Inferring Structure and Parameters of Dynamic Systems using Particle Swarm Optimization | Muhammad Usman (University of Aberdeen), Abubakr Awad (University of Aberdeen), Wei Pang (University of Aberdeen), George Coghill (University of Aberdeen) |
EMO | On a restart metaheuristic for real-valued multi-objective evolutionary algorithms | Christina Brester (University of Eastern Finland, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology), Ivan Ryzhikov (University of Eastern Finland, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology), Eugene Semenkin (Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology), Mikko Kolehmainen (University of Eastern Finland) |
GA | Genetic Algorithms as Shrinkers in Property-Based Testing | Fang-Yi Lo (National Chiao Tung University), Chao-Hong Chen (Indiana University), Ying-ping Chen (National Chiao Tung University) |
GA | A Study of the Levy Distribution in Generation of BRKGA Random Keys Applied to Global Optimization | Mariana Moura (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco), Ricardo Silva (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco) |
EML | Evolving Convolutional Neural Networks through Grammatical Evolution | Ricardo Lima (Federal University of Paraná), Aurora Pozo (Federal University of Paraná) |
GECH | A Classification-Based Selection for Evolutionary Optimization | Jinyuan Zhang (York University), Jimmy Huang (York University), Qinmin Hu (Ryerson University) |
ENUM | Openly Revisiting Derivative-Free Optimization | Jeremy Rapin (Facebook), Pauline Luc (Facebook), Jules Pondard (Facebook), Nicolas Vasilache (Facebook), Marie-Liesse Cauwet (Ecole des mines de Saint-Etienne), Camille Couprie (Facebook), Olivier Teytaud (Facebook) |
ECOM | The Quadratic Assignment Problem: Metaheuristic optimization using HC12 Algorithm | Radomil Matousek (Brno University of Technology), Ladislav Dobrovsky (Brno University of Technology), Jakub Kudela (Brno University of Technology) |
ACO-SI | Scaling ACO to Large-scale Vehicle Fleet Optimisation Via Partial-ACO | Darren Chitty (Aston University), Elizabeth Wanner (Aston University), Rakhi Parmar (Aston University), Peter Lewis (Aston University) |
RWA | Evolutionary Optimization of Epidemic Control Strategies for Livestock Disease Prevention | Krzysztof Michalak (Wroclaw University of Economics) |
EMO | Generation Techniques and a Novel On-line Adaptation Strategy for Weight Vectors Within Decomposition-Based MOEAs | Alberto Rodríguez Sánchez (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana), Antonin Ponsich (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana), Antonio López Jaimes (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana) |
EML | Nested Monte Carlo Search Expression Discovery for the Automated Design of Fuzzy ART Category Choice Functions | Marketa Illetskova (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Islam Elnabarawy (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Leonardo Enzo Brito da Silva (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Daniel Tauritz (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Donald Wunsch II (Missouri University of Science and Technology) |
ENUM | An Analysis of Control Parameters of Copula-based EDA Algorithm with Model Migration | Martin Hyrš (Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology), Josef Schwarz (Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology) |
GA | A Group Work Inspired Generation Alternation Model of Real-Coded GA | Takatoshi Niwa (Nagoya Institute of Technology), Koya Ihara (Nagoya Institute of Technology), Shohei Kato (Nagoya Institute of Technology) |
EMO | Improved Binary Additive Epsilon Indicator for Obtaining Uniformly Distributed Solutions in Multi-Objective Optimization | Tatsumasa Ishikawa (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology), Hiroaki Fukumoto (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA), Akira Oyama (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA), Hiroyuki Nishida (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) |
GA | A BRKGA for the Integrated Scheduling Problem in FMSs | S. Mahdi Homayouni (INESC TEC), Dalila Fontes (INESC TEC; Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto), Fernando Fontes (SYSTEC - ISR; Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto) |
CS | Comparing Encodings for Performance and Phenotypic Exploration in Evolving Modular Robots | Frank Veenstra (Edinburgh Napier University), Matteo De Carlo (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Edgar Berumen (University of York), Wei Li (University of York), Agoston Eiben (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Emma Hart (Edinburgh Napier University) |
EMO | A Parametric Investigation of PBI and AASF Scalarizations | Hemant Singh (University of New South Wales), Kalyanmoy Deb (Michigan State University) |
EMO | On Fairness as a Rostering Objective | Anna Lavygina (ServicePower, Manchester Metropolitan University), Kristopher Welsh (Manchester Metropolitan University), Alan Crispin (Manchester Metropolitan University) |
SBSE | Genetic Improvement of Data gives Binary Logarithm from sqrt | W. Langdon (University College London), J. Petke (University College London) |
GP | Parsimony Measures in Multi-objective Genetic Programming for Symbolic Regression | Bogdan Burlacu (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Josef Ressel Centre for Symbolic Regression), Gabriel Kronberger (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Josef Ressel Centre for Symbolic Regression), Michael Kommenda (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Josef Ressel Centre for Symbolic Regression), Michael Affenzeller (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory) |
RWA | Phoneme Aware Speech Recognition through Evolutionary Optimisation | Jordan J. Bird (Aston University), Elizabeth Wanner (Aston University), Anikó Ekárt (Aston University), Diego R. Faria (Aston University) |
GA | Evolving to Recognize High-dimensional Relationships in Data: GA Operators and Representation Designed Expressly for Community Detection | Kenneth Smith (University of Missouri-St. Louis), Cezary Janikow (University of Missouri-St. Louis), Sharlee Climer (University of Missouri-St. Louis) |